
On this page you can find the publications related to the XL-CONNECT project

List of publications

“Investigation of the user behaviour of EV-drivers and consequent grid impacts.”
Authors: Sara Cardoso, Martin Strelec, Alois Steiner, Anna Eisner
Click here for the link to the article.

“Modelling charging infrastructure in V2G scenario.”
Authors: Eleonora Innocenti, Lorenzo Berzi, Aljon Kociu, Massimo Delogu
Click here for the link to the article. 

“Optimising Microgrid Energy Management: A MILP Approach for Cost Reduction and Grid Resilience.”
Authors: Diego Carreno Asueta, Regina Enrich Sard, Pol Torrez Alvarez
Click here for the link to the article. 

“Planning of smart charging infrastructure for electric vehicles: an Italian case study.”
Authors: Eleonora Innocenti, Lorenzo Berzi, Aljon Kociu, Luca Pugi, Massimo Delogu
Click here for the link to the article. 

“Simulation Based Assessment of a Vehicle-to-Building Use Case for an Industrial Site.”
Authors: Anna Eisner, Alois Steiner, Annika Hämmerle
Click here for the link to the article.

“Smart Bidirectional Charging of Electric Vehicles – an Analysis of Revenue Opportunities.”
Authors: Max Faßbender, Xinyuan Cao, Haoran Wang, Jakob Andert, Thomas Schade, Samuel Mützel, Phillip Schúlting, Feihong Xia, Marius Wegener, Rene Savelsberg
Click here for the link to the article. 

“The XL-Connect Project: Quantitative Parametric Models for Assessing the Influence of V2X on Battery Degradation in Electric Vehicles.”
Authors: Hansjörg Kapeller, Dominik Dvorak
Click here for the link to the article. 

“Definition of a Set of Indicators for the EV Impact Assessment.”
Authors: Martin Strelec, Pavel Hering, Per Janecek
Click here for the link to the article. 

“Towards Digitalisation of the Charging Value Chain.”
Authors: Alois Steiner, Anna Eisner, Sandra Trösterer, Rainer Schruth, Annika Hämmerle
Click here for the link to the article. 

Project progress


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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