Organisation Introduction
Eurecat (www.eurecat.org) is the main Research & Technology Organisation in Catalonia and the second largest private research organization in southern Europe. It brings together the experience of more than 705 professionals who generate an annual turnover of 55,8 million euros and provides services to more than 2,000 companies. Applied R&D, technological services, highly specialized training, technological consultancy or valorisation and exploitation of industrial property are some of the services that Eurecat offers for both large and small and medium-sized enterprises in all sectors.
The technology centre participates in more than 200 large national and international consortium projects of high strategic R&I and has 181 patents and 9 spin-offs.
Eurecat R&D, innovation and training activities range from Industrial Technologies (metallic, plastronics, manufacturing processes, autonomous and collaborative robotics, functional printing and fabrics, chemical technologies) to Digital Technologies (Applied Artificial Intelligence, Big Data&Data Science, digital Health, audiovisual technologies, quantum computing, IT&OT Security), Biotech (omic science and nutrition & health) and Sustainability (water, soil, air, waste, energy, environmental impact, climate change).
The added value provided by Eurecat accelerates innovation, reduces spending on scientific and technological infrastructures, reduces risks and provides specialized knowledge tailored to each company. It has eleven centres in Catalonia (Spain) and one in Chile (Latam).
XL-CONNECT provides an ideal environment to interact with industrial partners, universities, and technology centers, share knowledge and improve skills while creating new innovative solutions. This project will allow EURECAT to improve technological solutions that have been successfully applied in for EU-projects such as Green Charge (https://www.greencharge2020.eu/), and face new problems that the current electrification of the mobility market is experiencing.
The different capabilities of the consortium will allow us to develop new business models in anticipation of future trends.
XL-CONNECT will allow EURECAT to advance in understanding the mechanisms of the batteries ageing and degradation and in the modelling of these processes, which are the most relevant aspects in the development of the electric vehicles.
EURECAT will contribute transversally to different topics of the project, from the development of innovative services and business models matching the needs of a user-centric future mobility, to advanced smart V2X charging strategies considering AI and optimization models, including impact evaluation aspects from the operational, social, economic and environmental points of view.
One important aspect will be the evaluation and modelling of the impact of the charging technologies to the degradation of the batteries. A LCA study will be performed at different aspects following the European DNSH methodology.
Nonetheless, we will analyse the impacts of V2X on the distribution and transmission grids. While V2X can bring benefits like frequency control, the huge intake of EVs will increase the needs to upgrade the grids with charging stations and increase the transformer power ratings.

“The XL-CONNECT-project helps us to investigate, develop, test and deploy new solutions to improve knowledge transfer and help customers and the society to advance towards a more sustainable mobility.”