XL-CONNECT kick-off meeting

On the 17th and 18th of January 2023, the XL-CONNECT consortium came together for the first time to have the official kick-off meeting of the project. The meeting was hosted by the coordinator Virtual Vehicle in Graz, Austria.

During the two-day meeting, partners got to meet each other face-to-face. They also got to present themselves to the group and describe what kind of activities they are involved in for the project. Next to partner presentations, all 7 work package leaders got to present the aims and objectives of their specific work package, and have a closer look at the activities for the next 6 months.

The project officer from CINEA also attended the first day online. She did not only give insight into the processes and obligations to the EU but also contributed technically to discussions and made us aware of the other EU projects on the same topic.

Also on day one the advisory board members were introduced and were given the opportunity to present themselves and discuss the expectations of the project.

All in all, it was a very successful two days in Graz and we want to thank everyone for participating in this kick-off meeting!

Project progress


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